John Riedy
Player Bio
Name: John "The Spinja" Riedy
Hometown: Carlsbad, CA
Age: 54 (55 in pickleball years)
Family: Wife, Becky and two (known) sons - Cole, 21 - Jack, 18
Most influential person in your life: My wife, Becky
Year started playing pickleball: 2020
Who is your mentor: Pickleball Mentor - Paul "Pablo" Healing
How you got into pickleball: Started playing during Covid with my buddies
College Sports: Is drinking a sport? (If yes, at a club level, not varsity). So none
Famous person you want to play pickleball with: Bono, but he's probably sh!t at Pickleball.
Pickelball accomplishments: Ummmm. Ask me after the NPL season! I did do the thing where you win a point tapping the ball into your opponents side of the net after it bounces on your side and then back over. That was sweet
What are you most looking forward to this year: Just savoring every moment of getting to play out a childhood fantasy of being a professional athlete and playing alongside some of the legends of the game.